180th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Annual Convention: November 3-4
The 180th Convention of the Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana was held November 3 & 4, 2017 at St. James Episcopal Church, 205 N Fourth St, Baton Rouge, LA.
Pre-Convention Meeting: Wednesday, October 18 at 6 p.m.
The Pre-Convention Meeting was held Wednesday, October 18 at 6 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church.
Bishop’s Sermon
Text of Bishop’s Sermon
2018 Budget Documents
Diocesan Operations Full Budget 2018
Assessment and Program Pledges by Congregation
Clergy Minimum Compensation Package
Gaudet Fund Budget
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center Budget
2016 End-of-Year Unaudited Financial Documents
Annual Committee & Commission Reports
- Addiction Recovery Ministry
- Chancellor’s Report
- Chapel of the Holy Comforter
- Chapel of the Holy Spirit
- Commission on Ministry
- Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
- Gaudet Committee
- Intercessory Prayer List
- Louisiana Interchurch Conference
- Necrology Report
- Racial Reconciliation Commission
- St. Alban’s Chapel
- Standing Committee
- The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
- University of the South
- United Thank Offering
Number | Description | Purpose | Referred to | Action |
R1 | Ecumenical Sunday and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity | Observance of Ecumenical Sunday, January 21, 2018 and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25, 2018 | Resolutions Hearing (Conference Room – Second Floor- St. James Ministry Center) | Passed |
R2 Amended | Create a Missional Review Working Group | To create a working group to address the questions of congregational vitality and viability raised in the Assessment Study Committee Report of September 1, 2017 | Resolution Hearing (Conference Room – Second Floor- St. James Ministry Center) | Passed as Amended |
R3 | Amend Canon 30, Section 2 | To amend Canon 30, Section 2 to provide that the Executive Board of the Diocese will elect the members of the Boards of Trustees of Diocesan Schools. This change requested because Diocesan Convention is now held in the late fall instead of late February or early March. A late fall meeting is too early for the two Diocesan Schools, St. Martin’s Episcopal School and The Episcopal School of Baton Rouge, to review the gifts, talents and experience needed for new members and to recruit members to fulfill these needs. The Executive Board is authorized act for the Diocesan Convention between meetings of the Convention. Making the proposed change keeps the decision-making consistent with current polity and allows the Diocesan Schools sufficient time to submit their recommendations to the Bishop so that he can present nominations to the Executive Board by early spring. | Constitutional & Canons Hearing (CSF Atrium – Third Floor- St. James Ministry Center) | Passed |
Courtesy Resolutions | Courtesy Resolutions |
Convention Nominations
Marsha Wade, St. James, Baton Rouge (Elected)
Treasurer of the Diocese
The Treasurer is elected by The Convention. The duty of the Treasurer to receive and disburse the funds of The Diocese in accordance with the annual budget. The Treasurer shall make an annual report to The Convention of all sums received and disbursed during the preceding year and shall include in such report a statement of the condition of the assets of each Parish and Diocesan Mission with regard to its annual financial commitment to The Diocese for the work of the Church.
Les Bradfield (Elected)
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Standing Committee: 1 Clerical, 1 Lay
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected
The Rev. Fred Devall (Elected)
St. Martin’s, Metairie
Lay Nominees – 1 to be elected
Janice Zitzmann (Elected)
St. Augustine’s, Metairie
Executive Board: 1 Clerical, 2 Lay
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected
The Rev. Ashley Freeman (Elected)
St. Patrick’s, Zachary
Lay Nominees – 2 to be elected
Lauren Anderson (Elected)
St. Anna’s, New Orleans
Jonathan Baumann
St. John’s, Thibodaux
Owen Cope (Elected)
St. Luke’s, Baton Rouge
Fred McCullogh
St. Mark’s, Harvey
Joel Webb
Chapel of the Holy Comforter, New Orleans
Sewanee Board of Trustees: 1 Clerical
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected
The Rev. Ralph Howe (Elected)
St. James, Baton Rouge
Disciplinary Board: 3 Clerical
Clerical Nominees – 3 to be elected
The Rev. Watson Lamb (Elected)
Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans
The Rev. Jeff Millican (Elected)
St. Martin’s, Metairie
The Rev. Minka Sprague (Elected)

1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511
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