Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

The Episcopal Church Women is a venerable organization having served the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana for over 125 years. All Episcopal women are considered “members” and are welcome to participate in the many activities available at the local church level and diocesan level. The ECW sponsors many outreach projects and hosts worship, prayer, fellowship and service activities throughout the year in many different venues.

Who We Are

All Episcopalian women are the ECW. The ECW comprises women of all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic backgrounds in the Episcopal Church – working mothers, homemakers, career women, ordained, lay, single, married, widowed, divorced. Episcopal Church Women are active in all nine provinces of the Episcopal Church in North and Central America. All are welcome!

Our Vision

As Episcopal Church Women, we are keepers and proclaimers of the Christian faith, bearing the light and hope of Jesus Christ to all. Witnessing for Christ, worshiping together and celebrating our diversity, we build and strengthen community. We minister to become faithful stewards of God’s creation.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the ECW is to deepen and nurture the spiritual life of church women in the Diocese of Louisiana through worshiping God, glorifying Christ and presenting Him to the world and enlisting active participation in ministering to people inside and outside the church.

Our Goals

  • Listen to the concerns of women throughout the church in order to respond creatively to their needs.
  • Become leaders in response to our Baptismal Covenant.
  • Build an accepting atmosphere where every woman is welcomed and valued for her individual ministry.
  • Work toward mutual respect and equity of service throughout the church as we continue to monitor women’s full participation in the church. Develop effective communication linking parish, diocesan, provincial and national Episcopal Church Women and all women of the Anglican Communion.
  • Join and support our sisters ecumenically throughout the world.

Why Participate?

  • Spiritual growth
  • Focus on mission
  • Fellowship
  • Education
  • Leadership training
  • Ecumenical environment
  • Social Action and advocacy

ECW Projects

United Thank Offering

United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and in invited Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world.

More information can be found here: www.episcopalchurch.org/page/united-thank-offering

Church Periodical Club

The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission. It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them. Prayer Books, books for seminarians, educational materials, medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission are some of the publications The Church Periodical Club supplies. The Church Periodical Club operates at all levels of the Church – national, provincial, diocesan and parish. The goal is to make the CPC program a concern of the whole Church. That goal includes having an active and enthusiastic CPC representative in every parish and diocese. The Church Periodical Club is funded by voluntary contributions from all levels of the Church by people in the pews. CPC is supported by the prayerful concern, time, talents, labor and money of those who believe in the Ministry of the Printed Word.

More information can be found here: www.churchperiodical.com/

ECW Chapters in the Diocese

ECW Officers


President (2022-2025): Sudee Campbell 
Vice President (2021-2024): Maria Palmer
Treasurer (2022-2025): Sharon Edmon
Recording Secretary (2023-2026): Rebecca Sadler
United Thank Offering Coordinator (2023-2026): Noretta Stackel
Church Periodical Club Director (2021-2024): Rebecca Sadler
Corresponding Secretary (2023-2026): Ann Ball
Immediate Past President (2022-2025): Jeanne Roques

ECW Deanery Chairs

vacant (Baton Rouge Deanery)
Noretta Stackel (Greater New Orleans Co-Chair)
Joyclyn Yuja (Greater New Orleans Co-Chair)
Lee LeGuyader (Northshore Deanery Co-Chair)
Vacant(Northshore Deanery Co-Chair)
Gail Duhe(Southwest Co-Chair)
Deborah Fortier (Southwest Co-Chair)
Reba Mackey (Deanery Coordinator)


Altar Guild Director: vacant
College Liaison Coordinator: Janey Rainey
Devotions / Diocesan Day of Prayer: Kristen Wheeler
Memorials Chair: Karla Billiot and Joan Meyers
Honored Woman Program: Judy Knecht
ECW Handbook: Carolyn Douglas
Historian: Marilyn Hines
Poet-in-Residence: Ellarose Gray
Ecumenical Liaison: Ann Ball
Seaman’s Institute Liason: Nancy Wolford
Members-at-Large: Lynette Frazer and Janie LeBlanc


Nominating Committee

Chair – Jeanne Roche
Baton Rouge Deanery-Dianne Abbott-Gill
Greater New Orleans Deanery-Noretta Stackel
Northshore Deanery-Maria Palmer
Southwest Deanery-Gail Duhé

Finance Committee

Chair (Treasurer) – Sharon Edmon
President – Sudee Campbell
Vice-President – Maria Palmer
Immediate Past President – Jeanne Roques
Appointed Finance Committee Members-
Ann Ball
Debby Fortier
Lee LeGuyader
Ex-Officio Members-
Carolyn Douglas
Noretta Stackel



The ECW Prayer

Almighty God, we pray that You will bless our work in mission and ministry in the world. Help us to pray fervently, labor diligently and give liberally to make known the power of your love given through your son Jesus Christ. Let us not forget the lessons from the past nor fear the challenges of the future. Anoint us with your grace and shine in our hearts as we reflect your light throughout the world. Amen.

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