Join Inclusive Louisiana for Pride Month

Inclusive Louisiana would like to extend an invitation to the following events in the month of June as we celebrate PRIDE. Please share this information with your congregations!  Peace,The Rev. John PitzerInclusive Louisiana Open Table PRIDE...

Safe Church Minister Trainings in July 2023

Calling all Safe Church Ministers! This one-hour annual update session is open to those administering the Safe Church program at each church/school site. Safe Church Ministers are required to attend, in order to receive the latest updates to the program as well as a...

Wardens & Treasurers Brown Bag Zoom

The Wardens & Treasurers Brown Bag Zoom series was held in May and June. This three-part workshop, designed especially for Wardens, Treasurers, and Vestries explores methods for ensuring your long-term financial stability, avoiding future financial concerns,...

Leading a Congregation into Outreach

by Deacon Jay Albert Deacon Jay Albert at Interfaith Prayer Service for the Homeless While serving at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Lakeview, New Orleans, as my first assignment, I looked for an outreach program that would involve the laity. I wanted a program that...

Lenten Programs 2023

Please join us for one of these Christian education programs, services, and retreats happening throughout the Diocese of Louisiana this Lenten Season. Contact Karen Mackey for additions or corrections to the list. A blessed Lent to you! Book Studies...

Go. Love. Move.

by the Rt. Rev. Shannon Rogers Duckworth “Please take care of yourself, and each other.” This is the signoff used by Lester Holt at the end of every broadcast of the Nightly News. It is a simple phrase, but one that carries tremendous weight and...

Bishop Duckworth’s 2022 Christmas Message

As we move more deeply into this holy season, I am so aware that the rhythm of life and ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana beats strongly; and I am grateful for each unique expression of Christ’s love in our parishes, schools and communities of faith. My...