187th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Presentations at Convention
Bishop’s Address
Read Bishop Duckworth’s Address HERE
Up From the Ashes: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge
Gaudet Umbrella
Diocesan Vitality Initiative
Dear Friends in Christ,
I am delighted to once again bring our diocesan leaders together for fellowship, reflection, requisite business, and celebration at the 187th Annual Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. This year’s theme, Hope is Here, invites us to remember that hope thrives through Jesus and that God is always active in our lives and working towards peace in our world.
The “here” part of Hope is Here challenges us. It requires us to live out hope, not as a vague theory, but as an active truth, right where we are — in our personal lives, civic lives, and faith lives. This enduring multidimensional hope knows that no matter how daily life seems to be going for us as individuals or as a community, God’s insistence on helping us transform the world is resolute.
I am excited to share all that is being planned under this theme. In addition to Convention business, events will include various break-out session workshops, ministry presentations, and a spirited reception featuring our priest-led bands battling it out! By allowing our theme to inform all aspects of our time at Convention, my hope is that we will be inspired to bring this affirming message back with us into our churches and ministries long after this physical gathering has ended.
In conclusion, I am grateful for all those in the diocese who are planning this important event; I am particularly appreciative for the leaders of Episcopal School of Baton Rouge for hosting Convention on their beautiful campus. I invite us all to experience what grows when we cultivate and live out the extraordinary message Hope is Here.
Yours in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Shannon Rogers Duckworth
Bishop of Louisiana
Date and Location
The 187th Annual Convention will be held October 25-26, 2024 at Episcopal School of Baton Rouge, 3200 Woodland Ridge Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Click here for directions.
Check in will begin on Friday at 11:30 a.m with the Call to Order at 1:30 p.m.

Parking is in the front lot, marked in yellow on the map. Please only park in designated areas as there is a school event on Friday evening.
Business at Convention
View Convention Booklet HERE
Business at Convention
If you have any questions about the business at Convention, contact Tamika Gerhardt, Chair of the Dispatch of Business, at tgerhardt@edola.org.
Elected Offices
We seek people interested in serving in leadership positions in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. Read below for offices to be held by election at the upcoming 187th Annual Convention.
Election Results:
Secretary of the Diocese: Marsha Wade
Treasurer of the Diocese: Keith Crawford
Standing Committee, Clerical: The Rev. Deacon Austin Wendt
Standing Committee, Lay: Ronny Daley
Executive Board, Clerical: The Rev. Craig Dalferes
Executive Board, Lay: Marina Wilson and Donald Leese
Disciplinary Board, Clerical (fulfill unexpired term): The Rev. Dr. Fred Devall
Disciplinary Board, Clerical: The Rev. Peter Wong
Disciplinary Board, Lay: John Futrell and Jeremiah Smith
Trustee, University of the South, Sewanee: Thomas E. Jacks
Convention rules require resolutions to be submitted to the Committee on Dispatch of Business 30 days prior to Convention or else receive the consent of two-thirds of the members of Convention to be moved from the floor. The deadline for submitting resolutions is September 26, 2024.
Resolution Form HERE
Courtesy Resolutions: Download HERE
Resolutions submitted for consideration at the 187th Annual Convention
Resolution # | Purpose | Referred to | Action |
R-1 |
Purpose: To encourage congregations to pay active deacons under 72 years of age $25 per month and pay assessments on their behalf to the Church Pension Fund (CPF)
Hearing Room: VPAC 133 |
Resolved by the Resolutions Committee Passed |
Amendments to the Diocesan Constitution & Canons submitted for consideration at the 187th Annual Convention
Resolution # | Title & Link to Full Text | Purpose | Referred to | Action |
CCR1 | Amend Article V, Sections 3 and 4 |
Purpose: To amend Article V, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution of the Diocese to provide for parity in rights seat, voice and vote of presbyters and deacons at meetings of The Convention.
Hearing Room: VPAC 133 |
Amended by the Committee on Consitution and Canons Did not meet quorum |
CCR2 | To Amend Canon 26, Section 2 |
Purpose: To amend Canon 26, Section 2 to provide that a Parish may voluntarily place under the custody and control of the Board of Trustees any trust funds and securities, endowment funds and securities and permanent funds and securities belonging or appertaining to the Parish by a two-thirds vote of the Vestry and to remove such funds and securities from the custody and control of the Board of Trustees by a two-thirds vote of the Vestry.
Hearing Room: VPAC 133 |
Amended by the Committee on Consitution and Canons
Passed as amended |
CCR3 | To Amend Canon 6, Section 2 |
Purpose: To amend Canon 6, Section 2 to provide that the election of Deputies and Alternates to General Convention be conducted at an Annual Meeting or special meeting of the Diocesan Convention not later than twelve months preceding the opening date of the General Convention for which they are chosen.
Hearing Room: VPAC 133 |
Amended by the Committee on Consitution and Canons Passed as amended |
Budget Documents
Click the toggles below to view the budget documents for the 187th Annual Convention. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Speed, Diocesan Administrator, at cspeed@edola.org.
Action at Convention
The 2025 budget was passed with no amendments
Minimum clergy compensation was passed with no amendments.
Reports to Convention
Diocesan boards, committees, and commissions are asked to submit annual reports to Convention by September 26, 2024. Please email reports to Tamika Gerhardt at tgerhardt@edola.org.
Submit Reports HERE
Read / Watch the Reports to Convention
Speakers and Breakout Session
Breakout Sessions Descriptions
Nurturing the Spiritual Lives of Children
Ashley Bond, Director of Formation, Trinity Church, New Orleans
Location: Quest Center 104
Why it matters and how to do it. In this workshop, we will explore the importance of understanding the child’s spiritual life, what elements are necessary to support a community of children, and what it might look like within the context of your church.
Community Engagement
The Very Rev. Ronald H. Clingenpeel, Vicar, St. Andrew’s, Bayou du Large
Location: Quest Center 108
This session would review the events of the last three years at St. Andrew’s, our purposes in acting as we have, and ways of approaching the program and developing new memories rather than trying to relive old memories. It will also discuss how we are still learning, experimenting, and looking for new ways to deal with our lives down the bayou. This last hurricane raised new issues for us regarding communication and networking, so we are trying to develop ways to address those issues. It is one package but has continuing parts and new challenges as we move forward in love.
Discussion Panel: Celebrating 50 Years of Women’s Ordination
The Very Rev. Stephanie Fox, Rector, St. George’s, New Orleans
Location: VPAC Theatre
This year was especially significant as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first ordination of women as priests in The Episcopal Church on July 29, 1974. The path towards ordination was paved with courage and foresight by remarkable women and their supporters who unwaveringly held onto their convictions and faith, guided by the Holy Spirit in every step they took. The road to equality did not end with ordination, as female priests encountered numerous obstacles and resistance while striving for their rightful place in the church. Please bring your lunch and join us as we engage in heartfelt conversations with our esteemed women clergy about the extraordinary journey they embarked on to reach their ordination.
Holy Eucharist
Convention Eucharist will be held on Friday. All members of the diocese are welcome to attend. Clergy will vest; red stoles.
Pre-Convention Meeting
Pre-Convention Meeting will be held on Oct. 16, 2024 at 6 p.m. on Zoom.
Register for Convention
People of the diocese are invited to attend the 187th Annual Convention. Registration is required. The cost is $80 per person.
Note to delegates: Voting will be conducted electronically via Election Runner. Each delegate will need access to their own email to vote using their own smartphone or tablet.
Registration is now closed.
Vendor information
Vendor spots are now full.
The exhibitors will be located in the sizeable hall space between the Break Out Session Rooms.
Cost: Any ministry affiliated with the diocese may register a table at no cost. Exhibitors that do not fall into this category will be charged a $50 fee.
Setup time: Friday, October 26 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Questions: Contact Grace Rose at grose@edola.org with any questions.
Registration is required. The cost is $50 per person.
Hotel block
Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel
7000 Bluebonnet Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
(225) 388-5731
Necrology From
Please include the full name of any priest, former diocesan officer, and/or lay delegate from your congregation who has passed away since the last meeting of the Diocesan Convention on October 28, 2023.
Names will be read during Convention prayers.
Submissions are due by September 26, 2024
Submit Names HERE