Stewardship Resources
Congregational Consultants: Stewardship Team
Our Congregational Consultant teams are comprised of knowledgeable lay and ordained individuals from throughout the diocese. The Stewardship Team is available to assist your congregation in all areas of stewardship. Contact Canon John Kellogg ( for more information or to schedule a team to meet with you.
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS)
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is a member of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), an organization committed to inspiring generosity and faithful discipleship. A primary benefit of membership is that all congregations throughout the diocese have access to the Stewardship Narrative Series, a program designed to complement and support an annual giving program. The membership resources can be accessed here: additional resources on the TENS website can be found here:
Contact Canon John Kellogg at for the login information for TENS.
Episcopal Church Foundation
The mission of the Episcopal Church Foundation is to strengthen the leadership and financial capabilities of Episcopal congregations, dioceses, and related organizations to pursue their mission and ministry.
All resources are offered free of charge.
- Upcoming Webinars:
- Tools & Resources:
- Vestry Papers on Stewardship:
- Vital Posts on Stewardship:

1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511
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