Dear clergy,

Thank you for participating in the call this morning. It was good to see all of your faces. Again, it’s important for you to make every effort to attend these gatherings. However, if you cannot, a follow up email will be sent.

Topics discussed:

  1. CPG sent information regarding dispensation from paying pension assessments. This is intended for congregations that are most at risk/need. If you have savings or an endowment, please allow other congregations who are in greater need to apply for these funds. If you feel that your congregation falls into this category, please contact me directly. This topic will be brought up to the Executive Board and Standing Committee today.
  2. The Solomon Center is in great need right now. If you or your congregation is able to make a financial gift to them, please contact Tanja Wadsworth.
  3. Lambeth and General Convention Synod has been postponed to next summer. EYE has not made a final decision, but we anticipate a change
  4. There will be no congregational gatherings for Holy Week/Easter. We will discuss this further next week. A good resource passed along by Fr. Easterling is through VTS center of Lifelong Learning. It’s called “Triduum Under Quarantine.” View the videos here.
  5. Whenever possible, please abide by the governor’s order to shelter in place. I have seen wonderful, creative services in people’s homes. You can use your worship space to record online services. However, these gatherings should be no more than 10 people in size. This includes clergy, musicians, servers, etc. As difficult as it is, lock your doors and do not allow parishioners to come in. We will evaluate this further as things change.
  6. Fr. Barnwell is still in the hospital and on a ventilator. Please keep him in your prayers. Deacon Kathy Comer is also in the hospital. We are uncertain of her condition or diagnosis.
  7. We are asking clergy not to do “Eucharist to Go” with the new shelter in place guidelines.
  8. Finally, take care of yourself. These are stressful times. We are all here for each other to support and encourage during these difficult days.

I am holding each of you in my daily prayers,
The Rt. Rev’d Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
Bishop of Louisiana