The Community Mission Appeal (CMA) was established in order to help parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana reach out to their neighbors who are most in need. Funds for the CMA are raised through parish appeals throughout the Diocese, as well as individual contributions. The amount to be distributed will depend upon the success of those efforts. Since the establishment of the CMA Fund in 2015, we have awarded nearly $90,000 to these ministries.

Community Mission Appeal Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday, May 23. One hundred percent of the gifts received through CMA will go directly to churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in the form of grants to the development and the continuing strength of mission work.

Love is the connection that binds us all together with our God. It is love that sends us into the community to love and serve God by serving our neighbors. With your generous support on May 23, we can provide funding to make this work possible.

Ways to Give to the Community Mission Appeal

You may place checks payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in the regular collection at your church. Be sure to write “Community Mission Appeal” or “CMA” on the memo line.

Donations may also be made online at or mailed to the following address:

Community Mission Appeal
Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115

Thank you for your support of the Community Mission Appeal.

Fr. John Pitzer and Lester Mut
Co-chairs of CMA