Sometimes you blink your eyes and a whole year has passed.


Last year at this time my family and I were waiting.

Summer in full swing, the heat stifling, and a baby about to be born.

We woke up each morning and went to sleep every night wondering: will this be the day?
I felt the baby kick, we heard the baby’s heartbeat, and we sat in awe and anticipation.

We waited for the birth of our baby.


Sometimes you blink your eyes and a whole year has passed.


It’s summer again and stifling hot.

And our baby is about to be 1-year-old.

Our baby boy who entered this world in a hurry after what seemed like forever.

This baby boy who brought a bit of heaven to earth.


Sometimes you blink your eyes and a whole year has passed.


Now he crawls and babbles and eat with his hands.

Now he pushes away from me to be on his own exploring the world.

Now he sleeps peacefully in a crib.

Now he plays with his sister.

Now he still brings heaven a bit closer to earth.


I want this year to show the depth of love we have for him.

The abundance of grace and mercy pouring forth.

The sweetness of baby kisses and giggles.

I want this year to be soaked in the incarnate love of God.


A love that reaches out with arms wide open.

A love that explores and takes chances.

A love that never tires.

A love that invites and encourages.

A love that sings sweet lullabies.

A love that reads words of hope over and over again.


Sometimes you blink your eyes and a whole year has passed.


I hold my baby boy tight.

I give thanks for his fussiness and his feistiness.

I marvel at his tiny hands and feet.

I savor the smiles and the cuddles.

I relish the present moment.

I offer tears and laughter.

I pray with sighs too deep for words.

I whisper to him words of love.

You are mine, you are mine, you are mine.”


Sometimes you blink your eyes and a whole year has passed.


I hold my baby boy tightly.

Just as I am, too, held tightly.

I hear God whisper to me:

You are mine, you are mine, you are mine.”


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website: or follow her work on Facebook:


This post appeared here first: Blink…Blink

[Episcopal Cafe – Speaking to the Soul Blog]