Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Resources
Sign up to help at Volunteer Louisiana: https://www.volunteerlouisiana.us/
Use #geauxserveLA and someone will reach back out to you.
Pet Food & Supply Collection to Aid Families and Shelters Affected by Hurricane Francine
Pet Supply Collection Event Details:
Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Good Shepherd Church
5122 W. Esplanade Ave, Metairie, LA
What to Donate:
Dog food (dry and canned)- new and unopened
Cat food (dry and canned)- new and unopened
Cat litter- new and unopened
Email: connect@filltheneeds.org
Website: www.filltheneeds.org |
Church & Diocese Resources
Church Insurance
Church Insurance is prepared to handle any and all calls/claims that come in.
Please report a claim directly to the call center at 800-223-5705.
Episcopal Relief & Development

Discover how God is moving through our communities:
The Episcopal Asset Map showcases how churches, schools, and other places serve their congregations and communities by highlighting our resources and gifts (our assets). More than a website, the Asset Map is a window into our denomination and an opportunity to share God’s love, connect across differences, offer support, and help people find a safe space to connect with the divine.
FEMA will start Preliminary Damage Assessments on 09/14
Register with FEMA Before the Power Goes Out: Streamlined Process
Regional Resources
CORE also has tarps in Metairie that we could give some to groups doing tarping work for affected people.Contact:
George Hernandez Mejia, Director of Emergency Operations
CORE – 9255978819
ToolBank Disaster Services:
Provides tools and equipment to organizations of service or charitable intent that are responding to the disaster : tools at no cost / short term or long term / trailers for long term.
Contact: David Melancon
New Orleans ToolBank, ToolBank Disaster Services
Disaster Legal Services Hotline 1-844-244-7871.
Louisiana Appleseed: https://www.louisianaappleseed.org/
New Orleans
Help With Clean Up
Tree Work and Other Clean Up
Call Crisis Cleanup at 1 (800) 451-1954
Hearts and Hands, coming this week, coming this week
Community Lighthouse

Open 9 am – 4 or 5 pm
Charging and cooling stations, lights, food and other vital resources and information when the power goes out.
Infant formula, diapers, adult diapers.
For locations: https://www.togethernola.org/
To learn more: Click HERE
Unhoused Individual In Need of Emergency Lodging
Emergency Shelter available until 4 pm Thursday
Rosenwald Recreation Center
1120 S Broad St
New Orleans, 70125
Post Hurricane:
The Lighthouse at 2021 S Dupre St
New Orleans, LA, 70125
open from 7 AM to 5 PM
Call 311 for bus passes/transportation
Food and snacks available
Pets accepted
For People with Disabilities:
General New Orleans Info
NOLA Ready
English: https://ready.nola.gov/home/
Spanish: https://ready.nola.gov/NOLAReady/files/6d/6d5d4dec-99f5-4ef9-84ac-6895febd30a2.pdf
NOLA Ready Gather Supplies
English: https://ready.nola.gov/gather-supplies
NOLA Ready Alerts
English: https://ready.nola.gov/alerts-survey/
311 for general assistance and transportation
211 for more urgent assistance needs
Regional Distribution centers
BATON ROUGE (September 13, 2024) – The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) is coordinating the opening of points of distribution (PODs) in areas with impacts from Hurricane Francine and where major power outages continue. The sites will provide basic commodities (bottled water, meals ready to eat (MREs) and ice to the public. The sites will continue in operation until power outages improve.
Beginning at 12pm today-
Morgan City Auditorium, 728 Myrtle St., Morgan City
Terrebonne Civic Center, 346 Civic Center Blvd., Houma
Montegut Recreation Gym, 107 Recreation Dr., Montegut
Little Caillou Ward 7 Citizens Club, 5006 Highway 56, Chauvin
Living Word Church, 1916 LA 311, Schreiber
Bayou Blue Fire Department- Central Station, 1870 Bayou Blue Rd., Houma
(***The PODs will be in operation from 8am until 6pm this weekend***)
Parish Info Links
Baton rouge
Info Links
Forecasting Website: Eyewall.com
Additional Resources
NWS New Orleans Website: www.weather.gov/
NWS New Orleans DSS Website: http://www.weather.
NWS New Orleans Tropical Page: https://www.weather.gov/
River Gauges and Forecasts: https://water.noaa.
NWS New Orleans Facebook: www.facebook.com/
NWS New Orleans Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Online Severe Weather Reporting: https://www.
National Hurricane Center Website: https:///www.nhc.