News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Advent and Christmas Events in the Diocese of Louisiana
Go to Christmas Eve Services Go to Christmas Day Services Lessons and Carols Advent Lessons & Carols Based on the "O" Antiphons Sunday, December 3 at 5 p.m.St. James Episcopal Church, 205 N. Fourth St, Baton Rouge Lessons and CarolsSunday, December 10 at 10...
St. Francis Pet Blessings
Pet Blessings around the Diocese of Louisiana. Please join us! Saturday, September 30 Sunday, October 1 %event_content%...
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana Receives $1.25 Million Grant for Faith Formation With Children and Families New Orleans, LA – The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana has received a grant of $1,250,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to develop a creative, new approach to Christian Education. The Diocese of Louisiana will use grant funds to launch...
2023 Gaudet Community Grant Recipients Announced
The Gaudet Committee announces the awarding of 24 community grants for the 2023 program year. The Gaudet Community Grant provides funding for not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African-American children within the...
Safe Church Minister Trainings in July 2023
Calling all Safe Church Ministers! This one-hour annual update session is open to those administering the Safe Church program at each church/school site. Safe Church Ministers are required to attend, in order to receive the latest updates to the program as well as a...
Wardens & Treasurers Brown Bag Zoom
The Wardens & Treasurers Brown Bag Zoom series was held in May and June. This three-part workshop, designed especially for Wardens, Treasurers, and Vestries explores methods for ensuring your long-term financial stability, avoiding future financial concerns,...
Leading a Congregation into Outreach
by Deacon Jay Albert Deacon Jay Albert at Interfaith Prayer Service for the Homeless While serving at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Lakeview, New Orleans, as my first assignment, I looked for an outreach program that would involve the laity. I wanted a program that...
Letter to the Diocese from Bishop-elect Shannon Rogers Duckworth
November 9, 2022 Dear brothers and sisters, Grace and peace to you in our Lord Jesus Christ. At the 185th Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, I shared the story of the design of my Episcopal ring. As the granddaughter of Greek immigrants, this...
St. Francis Pet Blessings
Pet Blessings around the Diocese of Louisiana. Please join us! Saturday, October 1 Sunday, October 2 %event_content%...
Gifts For Bishop-Elect Duckworth Update (August 1)
The Gifts Committee of the Diocesan Transition process announces the solicitation of funds to help purchase the vestments and other Episcopal symbols for the new bishop. Canon Shannon Duckworth will need vestments and other signs and symbols of the Office of Bishop to...
Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana notified of successful canonical consent process for next bishop
Office of Public Affairs The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana has received notification from Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry that Bishop-elect Shannon Rogers Duckworth has received the required majority of consents in the canonical consent process detailed...
2022 Gaudet Community Grant Recipients Announced
The Gaudet Committee announces the awarding of 18 community grants for the 2022 program year. The Gaudet Community Grant provides funding for not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African-American children within the...
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