Dear Clergy and Lay Delegates,

You are being called to gather on May 14 at Christ Church Cathedral for the purpose of electing the next bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana. This is the final step in the diocesan-wide discernment process that has occurred over the last year. Guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit, our work this day will be to choose a leader for this diocese to discern with us the shape of our life together in mission and ministry. We will set aside our usual business of budgets and polity, and instead, engage with each other in a day of prayer and listening to God’s call for us.

Until we meet in May, please read and study the diocesan profile. This document summarizes the hopes and prayers expressed by the members of our diocese. The slate of candidates will be announced on April 1. To prepare for the Electing Convention, please make every effort to read their profile and participate in a Walkabout. Listen to what the nominees tell about themselves and their hopes for this diocese.

I look forward to seeing you on May 14 at Christ Church Cathedral.

May God continue to bless us and give us the strength to follow God’s will.

I am as always
Your servant in Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr.

Bishop of Louisiana

Websites for more information:

Electing Convention:

Bishop Search: